vXMPPb commands


As of version 1.0.0 commands are now appended with an exclamation mark (!)

Command Action Access
!ping 1) Notifies admin of someone attempting to reach them 🌎
!bye “Good morning, US-A!” 🌎
!meet Starts a meeting with admin, and friends 🔒
!endmeet Ends a meeting 🔒
!unlocks Get devices unlock count using VAPI2) 🔒
!tootunlocks Tags your username on Mastodon, with your unlock count 🔒
!weather Get latest weather for city defined in config.ini 🔒
!lights Get status of Tuya API connected lights 🔒
DEVICE NAME on Turn light on 🔒
DEVICE NAME off Turn light off 🔒
DEVICE NAME brightness 1-100 Turn light to brightness percent 🔒
DEVICE NAME color color Change color of light 🔒
best if used from strangers/friends sending this command to the bot, as it will send the message to the admin user. nothing stopping you from pinging yourself :-P
Tasker module coming soon